Julien Griffon
Freelance Translator
English - Spanish - French

2, rue de l'Ouche de Versailles
44000 Nantes

Tel: +33 (0)2 40 20 25 83

Griffon Translation



For your company to get
the lion’s share,
give it wings.

A few words from my clients

Here are a few comments I received from my clients. If you want to praise your translator too, don't hesitate and send me your projects.

  • "You are a complete life saver!!! [...] Thanks!"
    Michele Phillips, Transtek, Owner/President
  • "[...] the person in charge of validation is very happy with the translation you made on thermal insulation. Since he is the author of this English-written standard, he is very glad the "unclear" elements have been highlighted and, especially, that his text was translated so well."
    Trinh Lebleu, Activaction, Production Manager
  • "Thank you for your quickness and your efficiency once more!"
    Mireille Ampilhac, Telelingua, Project Manager
  • "Cogen very much appreciates and can attest to the professionalism, reliability and quality of Mr Julien Griffon's services."
    Jérôme Legris, Cogen, Consultant - Language Resources
  • "Everything seems perfect to me. Once again, thank you for your professionalism. Your documents are even better than the originals!"
    Alexandre Aubert, Austral Powerflo System, Project Engineer

More information on these clients or other references are available on request.

© Julien Griffon 2008-2016 ; logo : Jean-Luc Fouquer/Creagram
Last update: March 2016